Legal Adviser 2

1 Vacantes
Publicado el 31 de mayo en

Legales en Bogotá D.C., Bogotá D.C.

  • Salario: A convenir
  • Categoría: Legal / Asesoría
  • Subcategoría Legales
  • Localidad: Bogotá D.C.
  • Activo desde: 31/05/2024
  • Jornada: Tiempo Completo
  • Tipo de Contrato: Contrato a término indefinido
  • Cantidad de Vacantes: 1
  • Educación Mínima: Postgrado / Maestría
  • Años de Experiencia: 3

Legal adviser advises the ICRC Colombia delegation on international humanitarian law (IHL), international human rights law (IHRL) and national and/or international legal matters and conducts related legal work.
S/he initiates, formulates, and implements strategies to address identified issues and delegation objectives in the legal domain.
S/he guides research on and analysis of specific legal matters and broader sectors of the national legal system.
S/he supports specific projects or thematic topics and contributes to providing legal expertise to external stakeholders. S/he interacts directly with government authorities, legislators and the judiciary, providing them with technical legal advice and assistance for the adoption of legal and administrative IHL implementation measures and related policies.
S/he drafts legal notes/analyses and contributes with legal aspects to working papers, summary reports, non-papers etc. related to the delegations activities and objectives.
S/he represents the ICRC in external fora and events and contributes to positioning it as a reference on IHL and its implementation.
S/he supports the implementation of the delegations prevention and protection objectives and activities, as relevant (including in the fields of detention, missing persons, etc.).
S/he coordinates and supervises external consultancies on legal issues.MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS AND COMPETENCIES
University degree in law.
Masters degree or specialization on public international law, including IHL or international human rights law.
At least 4 years working experience in a similar function, within or outside the ICRC.
Having previous professional experience in related legal matters (international humanitarian law, human rights, international criminal law, transitional justice).
Work experience in government, the judicial sector or an international organization, an advantage.
ICRC experience, an advantage.
Teaching/dissemination experience, including at academic level, an advantage.
Fluent command of locally spoken languages, including legal drafting skills.
Connections to governmental and academic circles, including own network of interlocutors (actors of influence).
Adaptability to a highly dynamic work environment.
Fluency in English (Minimum C1 Level)
Comprehension and reading of French, an asset.WHAT WE OFFER
Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
Work location: Bogota
Contract type: Indefinite local contract (under Colombian labour law)
Activity rate: 100%
Starting date: As soon as possible
Benefits in academic studies, languages and professional development
International savings financed by the organization, of 11.5% of the monthly salary.

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Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja
El Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja es una organización que tiene la misión exclusivamente humanitaria de proteger a las víctimas de la guerra y de la violencia interna, así como de prestarles asistencia. La acción del CICR se funda en los Convenios de Ginebra de 1949 y sus Protocolos adicionales, así como en los Estatutos de la Institución ?y los del Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja? y las resoluciones de la Conferencia Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja. Es una organización independiente y neutral que brinda protección y asistencia humanitarias a las víctimas de conflictos armados y otras situaciones de violencia, y promueve el respeto del DIH. Localizada en Bogotá D.C., Bogotá D.C..
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